auphcd044: Alarmen/Spherical Disrupted - Aquila

released: 23.12.2024
01. Alarmen - Tarazed
02. Spherical Disrupted - Altair
03. Alarmen - Tarazed (Carbon Core Mix By Spherical Disrupted)
04. Spherical Disrupted - Altair (Chrysaetos Remix By Alarmen)
05. Alarmen - Tarazed (Celestial Equator Mix By Autoclav1.1)
06. Spherical Disrupted - Altair (Wobble Remix By The_Empath)
07. Alarmen - Tarazed (Wesenberg Rework)
08. Spherical Disrupted - Altair (50% Remix By Docteur Moreau (Axiome))
09. Alarmen - Tarazed (Pulsar Mix By Mortaja)
10. Spherical Disrupted - Altair (Dread Remix By Darkrad)
11. Alarmen - Tarazed (Mandelbrot Remix)
12. Spherical Disrupted - Altair (Local Interstellar Cloud Remix By The_Empath)
released: 23.12.2024
01. Alarmen - Tarazed
02. Spherical Disrupted - Altair
03. Alarmen - Tarazed (Carbon Core Mix By Spherical Disrupted)
04. Spherical Disrupted - Altair (Chrysaetos Remix By Alarmen)
05. Alarmen - Tarazed (Celestial Equator Mix By Autoclav1.1)
06. Spherical Disrupted - Altair (Wobble Remix By The_Empath)
07. Alarmen - Tarazed (Wesenberg Rework)
08. Spherical Disrupted - Altair (50% Remix By Docteur Moreau (Axiome))
09. Alarmen - Tarazed (Pulsar Mix By Mortaja)
10. Spherical Disrupted - Altair (Dread Remix By Darkrad)
11. Alarmen - Tarazed (Mandelbrot Remix)
12. Spherical Disrupted - Altair (Local Interstellar Cloud Remix By The_Empath)
In 2003, Alarmen and Spherical Disrupted released their first split album, which became one of the sparks that ignited the birth of the audiophob label in 2004. Now, 20 years after audiophob's inception, another split release of both projects comes to life.
The album's title, "Aquila" refers to both the scientific name for eagles and a star constellation, reflecting the personal interests of Carsten and Mirko, the minds behind audiophob and these two projects. Carsten's deep fascination with ornithology and Mirko's avid interest in astronomy converge to form the backbone of this album. The two primary tracks are each named after the main stars of the Aquila constellation: Altair and Tarazed.
Reinterpretations of the tracks by artists from the audiophob label (namely Autoclav1.1, The_Empath, Wesenberg, Docteur Moreau (Axiome), Mortaja, Darkrad, Mandelbrot and once again Alarmen and Spherical Disrupted) bring new perspectives to the original pieces, showcasing the diverse talents within the label's roster.
Additional sounds and keys on track 12 by Hardberg.